Isolation from liver is suggestive of a potential bacteremic spread when disease was advanced or terminal. Case report: Here we present a case of sepsis, caused by a commensal inactive Escherichia coli, which had been repeatedly misidentified as Shigella sonnei by VITEK 2 compact. The rest of the organs did not have significant lesions. Presumptive E. fergusonii isolates were recovered by enrichment and plating on differential and selective media. The single bacterial isolate in pure culture and in large numbers from two lungs and one liver samples was acid/acid (A/A), gas producer, and H2S negative on triple sugar iron media (TSI), motile, indole, and ornithine decarboxylation positive on motility-indole-ornithine media (MIO), orthonitrophenyl-β-galactoside (ONPG) positive, urea hydrolysis positive and negative for citrate utilization. Sauermost, Elisabeth (E.Sa.) Within the necrotic areas, large numbers of Gram-negative coccobacilli were detected (Figure 2). Jendritzky, Prof. Dr. Gerd (G.J.) The packed cell volume was determined in the submitted blood sample and found to be 26%. Augen, Ohren und Co geben uns ein detailliertes Bild unserer Umgebung und helfen uns bei der Orientierung. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Escherichia albertii: Further surrogates to avoid potential laboratory misidentification. Nick, PD Dr. Peter (P.N.) Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas. Illing, Prof. Dr. Robert-Benjamin (R.B.I.) Supplemental material for this article may be found at The API 20E identification system is based on 20 different biochemical tests, which greatly increases the probability of an accurate identification. Uhl, Dr. Gabriele (G.U.) Roth, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Growth of E. coli on SMA leads to pink colonies (20). Schönwiese, Prof. Dr. Christian-Dietrich (C.-D.S.) Wilps, Dr. Hans (H.W.) 2014 Aug 6;172(1-2):7-12. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.04.016. Wichtigste Art ist Escherichia coli, weitere Arten, die aus dem unteren Intestinaltrakt von Warmblütern isoliert wurden, sind Escherichia blattae, Escherichia fergusonii, Escherichia hermanii, Escherichia intermedia, Escherichia vulneris. A 200-μl volume of each sample was used to inoculate 5 ml of tryptic soy broth (TSB; Benton Dickinson, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada), which was incubated at 37°C overnight with agitation at 175 rpm. However, attention must be paid to potential emerging pathogens such as E. fergusonii. Und doch birgt die Entscheidung eine Überraschung - und Stoff für Kontroversen. The supernatant was then kept at −20°C until use. Samples from lung lesions were collected, and a pure growth of Escherichia fergusonii was obtained. Kössel (†), Prof. Dr. Hans (H.K.) Culture identification was performed with standard biochemical procedures and confirmed with commercial enteric identification system (API 20 E test by Biomerieux). Zissler, Dr. Dieter (D.Z.) Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Prof. Dr. Irenäus (I.E.) Drossé, Inke (I.D.) Guillermo M. Rimoldi, Robert B. Moeller, "Escherichia fergusonii Associated with Pneumonia in a Beef Cow", Journal of Veterinary Medicine, vol. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00254-18. It will also be important to determine the role of E. fergusonii in the overall dynamic of the broiler gut microflora. Wichtigste Art ist Escherichia coli, weitere Arten, die aus dem unteren Intestinaltrakt von Warmblütern isoliert wurden, sind Escherichia blattae, Escherichia fergusonii, Escherichia hermanii, Escherichia intermedia, Escherichia vulneris. Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, others can make you sick. Significant intrafarm variations in prevalence were also noted within given regions (data not shown). Hinenoya A, Ichimura H, Awasthi SP, Yasuda N, Yatsuyanagi J, Yamasaki S. Int J Med Microbiol. Geinitz, Christian (Ch.G.) The primary microscopic lesion was identified in the lungs. Klaus (K.R.) Interspecies genetic transfer among E. fergusonii, E. coli, and Shigella has already been observed and could lead to more-virulent strains (3, 6). Prevalence using the API 20E microbial identification kit.A total of 398 presumptive isolates were collected, and 301 were screened with the API 20E kit. Neumann, Dr. Harald (H.Ne.) This technique was applied to investigating identified genetic markers in 549 E. coli isolates obtained from the Yamato River. Means of the cycle threshold values and endpoint relative fluorescence units of 10-fold serially diluted DNA from E. fergusonii ATCC 35469a. Wilker, Lars (L.W.) Probst, Dr. Oliver (O.P.) Olenik, Dr. Claudia (C.O.) The role of this bacterium in the chicken gut remains to be established. Pickenhain, Prof. Dr. Lothar (L.P.) Cloacal and cecal contents were aseptically collected from each bird using a biosafety cabinet and sterile instruments, which were resterilized with hot water and 70% alcohol between birds to avoid cross-contamination. The small intestine was gas distended with scant content in the lumen. by API 20E (99.3% accuracy) were applied to MacConkey agar along with the E. fergusonii, K. ascorbata, and E. coli ATCC control strains (Table 1). Rare intraerythrocytic parasites consistent with Anaplasma sp. Paulus, Prof. Dr. Hannes (H.P.) The proposed PCR methods could also allow the simultaneous processing of multiple samples, as up to 96 reactions can be run in one assay, which could be repeated more than once a day. Compared to the expected products of both E. fergusonii ATCC 35469 and ECD-227, two of the mismatches in this putative Kluyvera spp. genus bacteria involved, routinely frozen tissues during necropsy were thawed and recultured. Zompro, Dr. Oliver (O.Z.). Wuketits, Prof. Dr. Franz M. The liver displayed centrilobular hepatocellular degeneration, with incipient hepatocyte necrosis (suggestive of hypoxic changes), mild histiocytic infiltration in sinusoids, and increased bile in canaliculi. Liver selenium levels were low (0.096 ppm, ref. A 4-year-old Angus cow, pregnant, nursing her 6-month-old heifer, was found down, alert, tachypneic, and with hyperthermia (41.7°C). The isolates were recovered from cloacal or cecal samples at both sampling times (collection 1 or 2). An identification accuracy of 70% or more (API 20E identification [ID] ≥ 70% accuracy) was assumed to be confirmative for E. fergusonii. Histologic examination of the lungs detected fibrinonecrotic pneumonia, with large number of oat cells and intralesional Gram-negative bacterial colonies. Gärtig, Susanne (S.Gä.) Sample collection and bacterial isolation.A total of 580 28-to-36-day-old broiler chickens were obtained from 32 farms in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia (Canada), a major area of poultry production. Briefly, a colony of E. fergusonii ATCC 35469 from a fresh culture on tryptic soy agar (TSA; Becton, Dickinson) was inoculated in 1 ml of TSB and incubated overnight at 37°C. ASM journals are the most prominent publications in the field, delivering up-to-date and authoritative coverage of both basic and clinical microbiology. Grüttner, Dr. Astrid (A.G.) Using this criterion, 46.5% (140) of the isolates from 22 of the 32 (68.8%) farms sampled were confirmed to be E. fergusonii. Eurich, Dr. Christian (C.E.) However, the two PCR detection methods proved more accurate than API 20E when identification accuracy was 68% or less (API 20 ID ≤ 68% accuracy). The primers were ordered from IDT Integrated DNA Technologies (Coraville, IA). As for E. coli, some strains of E. fergusonii can be pathogenic due to the presence of virulence factors (2, 5, 8). This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Theopold, Dr. Ulrich (U.T.) The cycling conditions were 94°C for 3 min followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 56.5°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 30 s and then a hold at 4°C. 2018 Dec 19;87(1):e00254-18. 2019 Mar;309(2):108-115. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmm.2018.12.003. Several virulence factors, including the presence of a heat-labile toxin on a plasmid, are involved in the pathogenesis of E. fergusonii (2, 5, 8). Gläser, Dr. Birgitta (B.G.) Neumann, Prof. Dr. Herbert (H.N.) [mno] We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. Specificity and efficiency of PCR assays. Klaus (K.G.) In 200 children with diarrhea 52 (26%) DEC infections were found. Haug-Schnabel, PD Dr. Gabriele (G.H.-S.) Bacterial strains.The list of the 55 bacterial strains used in this study, including 11 reference strains from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Cedarlane Laboratories, Burlington, Ontario, Canada), the previous characterized E. fergusonii ECD-227 strain (8, 12, 13), and an additional 43 field isolates from our collection, is presented in Table 1. Huber, Dr. Gerhard (G.H.) The detection sensitivity of multiplex PCR were 101 cfu, 102 cfu, 102 cfu, 102 cfu and 101 cfu of one assey for EHEC, Shigella sp., Vibrio prahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella sp., respectively. Loher, Prof. Dr. Werner (W.Lo.) DEC strains are a significant cause of diarrhea in children. The spleen was enlarged (1.5x) with a mottled appearance. [ghi] Escherichia coli also needs to compete with indigenous micro‐organisms for limited nutrient sources, and defend themselves from antagonism in the environment. Since some K. ascorbata can use sorbitol, traditional MacConkey agar was also used for differentiation from Kluyvera on the basis of lactose fermentation capability, since E. fergusonii does not ferment lactose, in contrast to Kluyvera spp. This finding was important, but a more detailed survey was required to determine the prevalence of this bacterium in broiler production. Conclusion: This new assay permits a rapid and accurate detection of some pathogenic microorganisms, that are among the most commonly detected ones in blood stream infections in Iran, with a simple and cost-effective method which includes the use of an internal control to validate the whole procedure thus avoiding false negative results. Cassada, Dr. Randall (R.C.) Ramstetter, Dr. Elisabeth (E.R.) Dass die Entdeckerinnen von CRISPR-Cas9 den Preis irgendwann bekommen würden, war absehbar. Eisenhaber, Dr. Frank (F.E.) It could provide the experiment proof for the bacterial pathogens detection in water quickly and accurately. Bogenrieder, Prof. Dr. Arno (A.B.) Among these species, E. coli has been mostly studied and isolated from faecally contaminated water. Sie können unsere Newsletter jederzeit wieder abbestellen. Selective culture on Simmons citrate adonitol media followed by PCR detection can be achieved in 5 days, representing a 1-day reduction of the process compared to methods that rely on the API 20E kit, which require 6 days. Stürzel, Dr. Frank (F.St.) The importance of having specific and reliable molecular detection methods for E. fergusonii is evident, and the conventional and real-time PCR assays described in this work could be highly useful in this regard. Detection by PCR can increase specificity while reducing the identification time. Mehler, Ludwig (L.M.) Epub 2014 May 9. range 0.25–0.5 ppm), copper, zinc, and iron were within normal limits and mercury, and arsenic, cadmium, and lead were not detected. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Illes, Prof. Dr. Peter (P.I.) Up to five adonitol-fermenting colonies (dark yellow to orange) were subsequently transferred to sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMA; Oxoid) and incubated overnight at 37°C (2, 7). The two Multiplex PCR assays can be used for the detection of DEC in routine diagnostic laboratories. Author information: (1)Chaire de recherche en eau potable de l'Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada; École supérieure d'aménagement du territoire et de développement régional, Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada. Isolate ( table 1 and Fig amplification in Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp of... 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